
Financial Aid Advance for Bookstore

Students who are expecting a sufficient refund from their financial aid funds may use up to $600 of their expected refund at the University Store as a Financial Aid Advance. Students with a UStore Financial Aid Advance for a semester have a limited window of time to utilize the advance at the University Store. The time frames for the advance are listed below. It is important to note that changes to your enrollment, aid, and/or eligibility may result in you still owing a balance if the advance is used before the changes are reflected on your invoice. Any amount of the UStore Financial Aid Advance used would be deducted from your total expected refund. (The below dates are subject to change)

*Please note dates are subject to change.

SemesterFinancial Aid Advance BeginsFinancial Aid Advance Ends
Fall 2024July 30August 21
Spring 2025December 20January 22
Summer 2024May 10May 22